Authoring information

Only content administrators will see the Authoring information section of the content form, as it contains some advanced settings that should only be changed by administrators.

Changing the author

Many organizations want to delegate responsibility for certain pages to a specific volunteer or employee, but not allow that person to edit every page on a website. We've set up a content author role for this reason. Content authors are only allowed to edit pages which they have authored. For more information, please read the Creating and managing users help content.

If a content administrator wants to change who is responsible for a page, they can change the author. The new author must also have the Content author role. Note that other users with the Content administrator role will be able to edit any page on the site, regardless of whether or not they are the author.

To change the author:

  1. Go to the Authoring information section of the content form.
  2. Change the contents of the Authored by box to be the username of the new author. Drupal will automatically provide suggestions as you type. When the suggestions appear, click on the correct username.

Changing the authored date

Content administrators may want to change when a page appears to have been written. In most cases, this is unnecessary.

To change the authored date:

  1. Go to the Authoring information section of the content form.
  2. Change the contents of the Authored on box to be the new date.