Class Schedule, Calendar, Registration

New calendar (not the CiviCRM calendar)

Course description:

When you edit a course, near the bottom you will see boxes for selecting a colour and a place to add schedule.

These schedule fields will not be shown to users, they are used to generate a calendar, with repeating events.  You can either select an existing schedule, or hit the "Add new node' button and write in the schedule details (date, time, repeats, skips).  Be sure to click "Create node" before adding the next schedule.  Also, Save the course when you are finished.

You also need to add the schedule as events in CiviCRM, so that people can register.  Peope will ony use the registration here, not view the events.


Class schedule items can be created on their own.  They may not be super useful.


Registration is done through CiviCRM.  Students sign up for a specific class.  The intent is that the original Civi event will never be displayed, that the student is always sent back to the course description.  This is not easily done.


Developer note:

CiviCRM currently cannot handle recurring events.