Calvin Smith

Calvin's interest in creation ministry, particularly as a speaker, arose primarily because of seeing its effectiveness in strengthening the faith and evangelistic efforts of those exposed to the truth of God's Word through this type of work.

Calvin has spoken on creation topics since 2001 at youth groups, Christian schools, churches and small groups. He has also appeared on the CTS live callin television program 'Nite Lite Live' several times, speaking about the creation/evolution issue. He is co-host of CMI’s TV show Creation Magazine LIVE!  Through intensive study, Calvin has become well equipped to talk about many aspects of science and history that relate to the creation/evolution controversy. He has consistently immersed himself in creation apologetics through seminars, classes, scientific papers and hands-on opportunities to study. When asked what formal science background he has, Calvin responds, "the same as Charles Darwin. His only formal training was in Theology!"

He lives in Ingersoll, Ontario with his wife and speaks full time with Creation Ministries International, based in Kitchener.